Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Giver of Laughter,

Thank you for Llaura, and my growing, deepening relationship with her. Thank you for keeping her safe. Thank you for teaching us, and for making 1 Corinthians 13 real in our life.

Please build in me a motivation and discipline and responsibility that will make me a diligent student, whether I'm at college or elsewhere, working or playing or resting.

Thank you for friends here at VUSC.

Thank you for awakening me, not just when I accepted your gift, but also when I submit to you and your guidance. Please give me more wisdom, that my life might please you.

Please teach me to pray with and for others, both believers and those who do not yet believe. I want to be an encouragement to my neighbours.

Thank you for loving music, and for placing a reflection of that inside me. It's yours to use. Make me your tool.

Thank you for confidence in my future.

Thank you again for Life, Love, and Laughter.


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