Wednesday, October 10, 2007

i meant what i said tonight, God, and it felt right to say it out loud like that... to not only think it, but to invite others to trust it. i would welcome more opportunities to do so. please help those seeds grow.

thank You for Your claim on Valerie's life, and for the way it's being strengthened and sharpened.

thank You for the hard work You're doing in me. i want it to be complete, and without compromise; please help me become myself, solidly, certainly. thank You for conviction, for forgiveness, for mercy, for second and third and fourth chances.

thank You for Clesi and Your Spirit's obvious, tangible work in her.

thank You for generous, supportive parents. please help me stop needing them. i want to become a hard worker, and i want my hard work to matter. i need opportunities and encouragement and so many things, God... please keep providing for me. if my goals are not Yours, i am open to Your correction. if my means and methods are not Yours, i'm willing to change. please guide me.


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