Monday, October 16, 2006

a challenge


thank You for letting me interrupt Your flow of thought. thank You for inviting me into the conversation You are already having. thank You for teaching me to sing on key, even today.

i need Your help. i might be too proud of my experience, my wisdom, my insight. i might be too much the male, always trying to fix things. but i'm good at this, God! i know it. i give good advice. just today, four different girls have asked for my advice! and i feel ready. i am always ready to come at the call of a Lloved one.

but this time, i'm being told-- not just by her, but by You!-- that i am to sit this one out, so to speak. thank You, so much for teaching me something in that moment. You amazed me today.

i want to help, but i want to obey You and do what is best, even if that means doing nothing. perhaps it only means being. whatever i am called on to do or to say, Father, i'm ready to be obedient and helpful. i'm also ready to be a learner, especially in the relational dynamic of prayer. thank You for Dogterom and his wisdom.

i'll talk with You about it (and listen, too) more and more as time goes on.

please care for Kelsey, through her friends and through Your Spirit in her. i trust You.


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