Friday, June 15, 2007


authority's great and everything, LORD, but doesn't authority itself have a higher authority? what about tyranny and oppression and power misused? obey your government, honor your parents, give to Caesar what is Caesar's...

i've heard it all, and i really need to know: do You really expect me to submit to evil? i mean, You did, but that was a special situation, right? and You were in it for the well-being of other people, just like i'm in this right now. so how come it's not working out very well?

Holy Spirit, i hesitantly, grudgingly give way to the possibility that something in me needs to change. You're the One to go to for metanoia, right? then i invite You to influence me somehow, whether directly or indirectly, painfully or pleasantly. i'll never truly know whether You did or not, regardless of what happens, but i can at least trust that You heard my request, and cared that i made it.

i am Yours, as always, and i submit myself to Your authority. please help me.


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